
Task List

Live URL

By default, you just need to paste the live url, and the other configuration items will be parsed automatically, you don't need to fill them in manually. If the url is not parsed immediately, please wait for a few seconds, if it is still not parsed successfully, please check whether the url format is correct and whether the network is smooth.

The url format of each platform is different, only the correct url format can be parsed, the url format can be viewed on the Platform page.

Some platforms need to additional settings to monitor successfully, check the Sites page to get more details.

The following features are now supported:

  • Automatic transcoding to MP4 format
  • Automatic cutting when the file is of a certain size or the playback length meets certain conditions
  • Some platforms require cookie configuration
  • Customise the file name generated by the download
  • Custom proxies
  • Custom storage path
  • Custom parser (It is better to use the default parser, not every parser supports all platforms.)
  • Post Commands


Clicking on "Snapshot" will provide detailed information about the current live broadcast, which can be used when providing feedback on issues.

Pre Commands

The pre-command is essentially a script file that will be executed at the beginning of recording, to meet certain customized requirements.
Clicking "test run" will simulate the execution of the entered pre-command.

Post Commands

The post-command is essentially a script file that will be executed upon the completion of recording, to meet certain customized requirements.
Clicking "test run" will simulate the execution of the entered post-command.

On Windows platform, pre/post-command is used as a bat script.

  • %ffmpeg% is used to call ffmpeg.
  • %record% is used to obtain the absolute path of the recorded file.
  • Other custom commands

Below are some examples:

Example one

# split a video file every 60 seconds
%ffmpeg% -i "%record%" -c copy -f segment -segment_time 60 -reset_timestamps 1 -map 0 "%record%_%%d.mp4"

Example two

# move a video file to a target directory 
for %%a in ("%record%") do set filename=%%~nxa
echo %filename%
# C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\olivedpro_downloads\ is the target directory 
move %record% "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\olivedpro_downloads\%filename%"

On Mac platform, pre/post-command is used as a bash script.

  • $ffmpeg is used to call ffmpeg.
  • $record is used to obtain the absolute path of the recorded file.
  • Other custom commands

Below are some examples:

Example one

# split a video file every 60 seconds
$ffmpeg -i "$record" -c copy -f segment -segment_time 60 -reset_timestamps 1 -map 0 "$record""_%d.flv"

Example two

# move a video file to a target directory 
mv "$record" /Users/mac/Downloads/

Pre Webhooks

HTTP requests will be sent according to the Webhooks configuration when the recording starts.

Post Webhooks

HTTP requests will be sent according to the Webhooks configuration when the recording ends.

Webhooks Configuration Example

The following configuration will send a request to the URL using the specified Method and Body data (which includes the streamer’s name and live stream title). Multiple Webhooks configurations can be set.
The available variables for the Body data are as follows:

  • Date: {{ now | date \"2006-01-02 15-04-05\"}}
  • Streamer Name: {{ .StreamerName }}
  • Stream Title: {{ .RoomName }}
  • Streaming Platform: {{ .SiteName }}
  • Streaming Platform ID: {{ .SiteID }}
  • Stream URL: {{ .StreamURL }}
  • Room ID: {{ .RoomID }}
  • Absolute path of the video: {{ .VideoFilepath }}
URL = '<apptoken>'
Method = 'POST'
Body = '{"title":"{{ .StreamerName }}_{{ .RoomName }}"}'



  • Activating the license unlocks all features.
  • Clicking "Export config" saves all software configurations locally for backup or migration to another computer.
  • Clicking "Import config" allows overwriting the current configuration with the local configuration file, clearing all previous recording tasks.


  • Theme: Modify theme colours
  • Language: Modify default language


  • Proxy: If unable to record live content properly due to network issues, a proxy needs to be configured. Enable the use of a proxy server and enter the following details. If you are unsure how to find the port number, you can easily find guidance by searching for "how to find proxy port number in [your operating system]" on a search engine.
    # http proxy port number used by your proxy software
    # socks5 proxy
    socks5:// port number used by your proxy software
  • Interval: The interval in seconds to detect if the host is broadcasting live
  • Download Dir: The default download path for video files
  • Out Tmpl: You can modify the default file name template as needed
    • Date: {{ now | date \"2006-01-02 15-04-05\"}}
    • Host name: {{ .StreamerName }}
    • Broadcast title: {{ .RoomName }}
    • Live Streaming Platform: {{ .SiteName }}
    • Room ID: {{ .RoomID }}
  • Encode: Whether to convert to MP4 format after recording
  • Auto delete filesize: Files smaller than the specified size after recording will be deleted. If you do not want to delete, you can configure it as 0.01
  • Post Commands: The global configuration (detailed explanation can be found in the previous text).
  • Site Req Delay: Enforcing a minimum time interval between two requests from the same platform. You can also configure individual delays in platform settings, e.g. Delay=5 indicates a minimum interval of five seconds between two requests from the same platform. (This feature is suitable for users who generate a large number of recordings, which may trigger platform risk controls. It's typically not necessary for regular users.)
  • Site Config: Used in sites that may need authentication.
    Username = 'OlivedApp'
    Password = '123456'
    Cookie = ''
  • APP Log Path: To be used for bug reporting